Monday, July 30, 2018

Raw emotion

Driving home from a quick trip to Southern Oregon to see some adorable twins my friend just had, I found out about someone I very much respect and look up to has a medical diagnosis and is enduring severe complications. I was flooded with tears as I drove toward home that first hour through the smoke in the mountains from a local forest fire.  I was angry at the devil and shocked at not knowing that it was going on and has been for a few months. My heart broke for her family and I could not contain the tears.  Just as I was celebrating the new life of these beautiful twins, she is fighting for hers. If you are reading this say a prayer for her! God knows who she is without her name!

The sermon that Sunday morning was from a wonderful woman who shares truth and one thing she said challenged me. She talked about the true real love of Jesus and how we live our lives. If I really and truly am in Love with the Lord then how could I do something I know is wrong? That was super convicting for me. I haven't been praying or reading the word. I haven't been living my life the way I preach that I do or even the way I think I should or the way I think other people should live. I drove home praying and thinking on what areas in my life I need to change. Do I reflect my highest morals and beliefs? It is truly humbling to reflect on yourself.  Perhaps some of those tears were my heart of repentance and just desire to be closer to Jesus. 

If you are at a place where you cannot explain why you are messing up in certain areas or not spending enough time with the Lord, take a moment to ask for forgiveness and let his Grace overflow in your life. Remember that his Love is unconditional and he isn't far away from you at any moment, even if you can't "feel" it. Reach out and take hold of his promise that he is always Faithful!!!

love to each of you in Christ 

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Listen to your gut when it comes to your body and getting a massage!

This is why we as women need to stick up for ourselves, here is my story...

Just a few weeks ago I was suffering from low back pain really severely. Thankfully I had a massage already scheduled for the next day.  I had purchased it through Groupon weeks before and picked a random Saturday afternoon to receive it. I had to choose between a guy and a gal, I chose the guy based on my sister's recommendation as she saw him the week before. I received an hour massage where the masseuse, let's call him Max, asked me questions about what areas of my body needed attention. I have several areas that are tight and explained what I wanted.

About a month before I was doing wall push-ups and hurt my chest muscles. I had severe pain, especially on the left breast. When I first laid down on the massage table face down it hurt a little. We were chatting and after turning on my back Max offered to do a chest massage it was professional and totally fine. I have not exposed my breast to a man in several years so it was a little weird for me but it is their job to see me as a client (Although looking up rules about it he should have used a sheet).  I went on my way after some neck massage and everything was fine.  I then began to question if it was okay for me to let a man massage my chest. No, it wasn't on the nipples just around and above but some breast was touched as well. I asked another masseuse who happens to be my friend who is in massage school, she said using a sheet was fine and that they had practiced it in class just a few months before.  I asked her what she thought about it being moral or not because we value our privacy and touch is so intimate. She said it really has to do with what you are comfortable with. I had some things to ponder before I had a second massage. I went back and forth justifying it in my mind that it was okay.

Yesterday I went in for my second massage, an even longer one at 90 minutes.  I was looking forward to it.  Everything was fine and then I turned over and Max asked if I wanted massage done on my chest again. I said yes because it really is tight. It was sporadic and my nipple was grazed. I felt like it was odd and not professional like the last time.  Then the next side was done and the same thing. I just thought it was because of time or whatever. My massage ended 10 minutes later. I paid and left and then thought it was fine but couldn't shake a creepy feeling. I questioned myself if I was overreacting or just making it up in my head that it wasn't okay.  I looked up Oregon massage reporting and rules. Most states say a sheet needs to be used.  I didn't feel like I needed to report him to anything.

I texted the gal about it who also happens to be his fiance. They own the company together and share an office with massage rooms. I had been texting her to set up the appointments.  She is a masseuse and deserved to know. She was kind and offered a free massage. I do not want to go there again. What if other women are feeling uncomfortable but not speaking up? Is he really a weirdo creep or just doing his job? I do not know but I needed to follow my gut and speak up for myself. The gal apologized for his work making me uncomfortable and asked how she could help in the situation. She was professional and understanding. I hope this is just a fluke thing and not the beginning of women complaining. I will not be back to this massage business. I recommended that he use a sheet in the future.

Yes, this may seem like a small trivial thing to you but it wasn't something to take lightly for me. Listen to your gut. Listen to your instincts.