Sunday, May 14, 2023

My least favorite day!

 Mother's Day 2023,

This is my least favorite holiday. It is a reminder of what I long for but do not have. Another year has gone by and I am not closer to being a mom. As long as I can remember the desire of my heart was to be a mother. I played with dolls long past the time a child should. I nannied for 16 years longer than most. My heart broke as I left each family and I couldn't take it anymore. I sit here with tear-stained cheeks and an ache for what others have. During the pandemic, so many complained as I was alone wishing I had my own little family to take care of.  My longing may not seem like a big deal to others but it is to me. I have always felt like my purpose on the earth was to be a mother. My mom had 4 children by age 25. I am 38.5 with 0, not where I thought I would be. 

I have dated in the last year but nothing worked out. So many women are in the same place I am:; single, late 30s/early 40s, no children... Please stop asking us when we are getting married and having children! It does not help and is a constant reminder that we are still single. I have actively pursued relationships, not out of desperation but genuinely wanting a life partner. I got off of dating apps about a year ago, they lead to much wasted time and deceptive men.  I can't make a man love me, I cannot make them interested. Many do not want more children at this point, most claim to be Christians but do not respect honoring the Lord with their bodies, some aren't attracted to me and that is okay. Finding a God-fearing Christian man that is older and interested in me just hasn't happened yet. Sometimes it is weary and doesn't feel fair but I am not giving up.   

My last grandparent by blood passed away this week. I grieved the loss of my grandparents never seeing me married or having babies. My gram and gramp loved babies and their family so very deeply. Gram wished that for me and every so often asked for it.  I cannot control someone else's interest or disinterest in me. I have prayed for my future and have focused on my relationship with the Lord tremendously in the last year. I wept knowing they would never see my children. I cannot change that they won't be here but I can pass their love and stories on. 

As I went through my medical issues with my uterus the last few years. I went through a plethora of emotions surrounding the possibility of never carrying a child. I was told by a man I was interested in that it wasn't as big of a deal as a husband and wife going through it together. That was painful, I didn't know if I would ever get the chance and there he was putting down my hurt and discrediting how I felt. I want to try for a baby and the years for that are dwindling. God knows my heart and my desires. I would also like to adopt. Adopting is a huge passion of mine and taking care of children is something I will always be involved in. Speaking into future generations is important to me.  

Another side to all of this is the medical field. The comments, questions, and statements made to my face have been hurtful and unkind. Questioning my age, my desires, and my longing to not do this alone. I do not feel comfortable or that it is right to have a baby on my own. That is not God's design and I will not bring a child into this world knowing they would only have one parent. I do not desire to be a single mom right now. I think children deserve a mother and father. I am not discrediting anyone who does it alone or is a single parent at all. For myself, I cannot condone birthing a baby alone. There is pressure from so many places to do it now but that is out of my control. 

I am not looking for sympathy. I am not lonely, I have found incredible happiness in the Lord this year. I have worked hard on having healthy relationships with men and boundaries. I have cultivated new friendships and found people that want to know me. I have loved my Job more than ever before. I have allowed myself to feel and express my emotions in new ways. I have so much freedom in Christ and am walking in it compared to the past. I have many blessings and am not complaining about this. Just being honest in this season of life and where I am at. 


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