Friday, October 11, 2024

On the eve of my 40th birthday.

Swirling chaos and overwhelmed she sits here with a thousand thoughts of how she wished the last forty years could have gone. The disappointment, hurt, anger, and sadness could weigh her down for the next forty if she let it. Each moment of pain stings in the depths of her soul. A mother’s heart with barren arms, a caring and kind woman with not a suiter. To the outside world, she looks empty and unfulfilled. The comments and stares, the pity and solemn glances bear down like a heavy glass closing in. She cries out and often feels like no one hears her. She tried and tried on her own and found only crumbs. She opened herself to people and found the pouring out just made her empty inside. The world haunted her every movement creeping in and pulling her towards the idea that she knows best. Most people never knowing the struggle and burden she held inside. The pull of darkness was much greater than the majority of those she has known could ever realize.  She takes a deep breath…


But God, he stepped in at just the right time. He continuously pursued her heart when she gave it to other people. He broke through the anguish and gave her fulfillment, kindness, and grace. She finally believed him and accepted his love without condition. She let go of the past and let go of what wasn’t for her. She stepped into the known conditions of love he had for her. The quiet confidence ever growing in who she is in Christ has become the rock on which she stands on. The tears of gratitude and deep appreciation for the cross and what it means to her so often stain her cheeks, rather than the unfulfilled mourning she used to be overwhelmed by.  Finding out she is more than enough but also not too much has given her peace. Loving who she is changed her life. Leaning into the promises of God and falling in love with her savior has been her joy and delight. Turning to the Lord just as he intended has completely rearranged her thought patterns. The stability has caused her to let go of the past. Loving who God made her to be instead of constantly criticizing herself has changed who she is.


She is smart and capable.

She is strong and adventurous.

She is helpful and loving.

She is wise and caring.

She is loved and valued

She is free and forgiven



With gratitude and love for all of those who have spoken positively in my life!
