Monday, December 16, 2024


Blog 39 of the 40 I committed to this year. 

A few weeks ago I was home on a Sunday morning listening to church online. The preacher was talking about how much God wants to connect with us. He set up the scene as if you were on a beach, 100 feet from someone, how you would run to each other. He said, "If we take half a step, he takes the other 99.5." God is right there! I have been thinking about that picture. All we need to do is lift a foot to walk forward into him and that will be enough, I am reminded of the scripture in James 3, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." I always picture that as leaning in for a hug and he leans straight into you. I think this picture of him running to us when we try to step towards him is more real. We often think in our minds that he doesn't care and is so far off, yet that is in our carnal thinking. If he said, "...he never leaves or forsakes us," (Deuteronomy 31:6) then it is a lie we believe from the enemy that holds us back.  

I spent most of my adult life thinking God was distant because I wasn't perfect. He doesn't require anything from me besides surrender. His love isn't conditional based on what I have or have not done. It is the most incredible feeling in the world to know you are loved by a savior, and nothing is because of something you did besides believing in him.  Letting guilt and shame take the place of closeness with my savior was a detriment to my relationship with God. This is why renewing the mind is so important. Examining the belief system you have and weeding out the false lines of thinking takes intentionality. If I believe that Jesus is right there ready to receive me in moments of sin or altered life circumstances, then I am more willing to confess and look to him. There is beauty in recognizing that you are loved, forgiven, and free. 

If you are living in a place of constant doubt that he loves you, he cares about you, or that he is near, please reach out. I would love to pray with you and for you. Don't wait another moment to start seeing yourself the way God does. You are his Beloved. You are chosen, adopted, given grace, and redeemed (Ephesians 1).  Don't let life circumstances pull you down. You are valued, you are worthy and you are incredibly wanted. 

Blessings and love in Christ,


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